Welcome to The Red Temple Podcast, where my wild woman soul sister Clare of the Solstice and I muse about the magic of our menstrual cycle, and traverse this embodied feminine spiritual path together in sacred sisterhood.

The Red Temple doors are open, so come join us, whether you are in your menstrual cycle years or are menopausal and cycling with the moon.

Journey with us, as we unveil the Goddess Codes living within our wild wombs.

When we gather in The Red Temple, we sing our “Sacred Moon” chant together to open sacred space and prepare for the magical episode which is about to unfurl. You are welcome to sing along with us:

“I am a daughter of the sacred moon. I dance the spiral path. Born with the blood of an ancient womb, Healing what has passed.” ~ Clare of the Solstice

The Red Temple Podcast Episodes

The Red Temple Podcast is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and iHeartRadio. Please subscribe and follow, wherever you listen to podcasts! And we’d love if you left us a review!

All the Lovely Reviews

“I listened to your first two episodes and they were just awesome! I’m so proud of you ladies for speaking your truth and the deep conversational nature really makes it feel like we’re all sitting together in circle! … It was so nourishing, uplifting and thought-provoking.” ~ Amy, Austin TX

“Listened to episode 1 during my inner winter. Fun and informative. Yay!” ~ Siobhan, Co. Limerick, Ireland

“You guys are so great together! Looking forward to more!” ~ Jennifer, Austin TX

“Listened to these jewels today. Well done and kudos to you both. It takes courage!! It was an enjoyable conversation to chime into. A fun, lively and relaxing time listening to you both.” ~ Oriane, Austin TX

“I absolutely love listening to you both and you’re doing such important work. Thank you for constantly inspiring me.” ~ Rosannah Jones, UK

“It’s brilliant. Love listening to all your different inner seasons. Beautiful inspiring chats.” ~ Michelle, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland

“…I’m so grateful that my daughter will have this podcast as a resource as she moves into adolescence. I’m certain it will contribute to a paradigm shift for girls and women to relate to their bodies with awe and to harness the potency of each cycle of their lives.” ~ Nora, Austin, TX

Connect With Us

Stay in the conversation by following us on IG @redtemplepodcast and FB @redtemplepodcast . You can really help us expand this collective journey with reviews, likes and shares. And we’d love to hear from you! What has been your favorite episode so far? How do the inner seasons show up for you that are similar or different to what we discuss? Has anything shifted for you along this Red Temple journey? Do you have themes and topics you’d like us to explore in future episodes? Send us a social media DM or email us at redtemplepodcast@gmail.com

We’d also love to collaborate on events, workshops, and retreats, or be guests on your podcast!

Sign up to my Newsletter

… … and receive a Welcome Gift Package which includes downloadable pdfs of my Celtic Wheel of Life, Meditation Like The Sky script guidance, and an interactive Menstrual Cycle Wheel to help you and others in your home visually track where you are in your monthly cyclic journey.

Keep an eye in your inbox for my newsletter every six weeks for the Celtic Festivals throughout the Wheel of the Year, with an additional newsletter sometimes in-between, with special news, events, and updates.

Red Temple Resources

“Our menstrual cycle is our monthly pilgrimage to the sacred sites within ourselves. It is our intimate holy spiral path of initiation. The hero’s journey encoded within our body, that we can choose to ignore, resist or traverse.” ~ Brenda Ryan

You’re invited to visit my Menstrual Cycle webpage, where I share lots of inspirational content about the power of our Menstrual Cycle, more about my own cycle rituals, and links to cycle supplies and resources to support your cyclical journey.

Painting with our menstrual blood has been such a beautiful, profound, and revelatory experience for both Clare and I. When we gather in our Red Temple to podcast, we sit at our altar with Red Tara presiding over our precious menstrual art pieces, pictured here. These pieces of art are holy. They are sacred. They are powerful. They bond us to each other. They bond us to all women. And they bond us to all life itself. 

If you’d like more information about painting with your own sacred substance, you can take Jasmine Alicia Carter’s Free Menstrual Art Workshop.

“The way of the womb is seemingly mysterious. Hidden truths deep at our core that were passed down from one mother to another, but forgotten. We are in a time of awakening. The feminine spirit can no longer be stifled. And womb work is the key to liberation.” ~ Clare of the Solstice

Read Clare’s Cyclical Living blogpost for insights on womb work, living with the cycles, traversing the inner seasons, as well as additional resources to help guide you on your womb path.

Here’s a collection of books that have greatly inspired me on this transformative womb journey.

Wild Power: Discover the Magic of Your Menstrual Cycle and Awaken the Feminine Path to Power, Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer (Hay House UK, 2017)

The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles & Optimize Your Fertility, Lisa Hendrickson-Jack (Fertility Friday Publishing Inc., 2019)

Womb Awakening: Initiatory Wisdom from the Creatrix of All Life, Azra Bertrand and Seren Bertrand (Bear & Company, 2017)

We’re both also reading this book, and will be discussing more in upcoming podcasts: Wise Power: Discover the Liberating Power of Menopause to Awaken Authority, Purpose and Belonging, Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer (Hay House UK, 2022). We also enjoy sipping Ruk’u’x Ulew ceremonial cacao (meaning “Heart of the Earth”) while we podcast, sourced from a 100% Mayan-owned women’s collective in Guatemala.

Behind-the-Scenes in The Red Temple

Clare and I have been having such a blast gathering together in our Red Temple, musing about the magic of our menstrual cycle and creating this podcast content for y’all in this beautiful, sacred space. 

As sacred space holders and women’s circle facilitators, we both love creating beautiful, inspiring, and ritualized space, so gathering in our Red Temple to create these podcast episodes have been another opportunity for us to create a special and sacred space for these womb transmissions!

Here’s a glimpse into our Red Temple. We set up our altar with Red Tara anchoring the energy of our space. We arrange our menstrual art, light our vagina candle, burn our incense. And when we’re ready to sit and muse, we beat our drums, sing our Sacred Moon chant, and sip ceremonial cacao.