Celtic Wheel of Life
Celtic Wheel of Life
Women's Circles
Women's Circles
Rites of Passage
Rites of Passage

Welcome to my Heart Space

Fáilte ~ Welcome. My name is Brenda. I am a Priestess of the Spiral Path, dedicated to living from the heart and with the cycles of nature. Anchored in my own indigenous Irish spiritual tradition, I walk an earth-honouring path of the embodied divine feminine, living in rhythm with the magic of my menstrual cycle and the cycle of the seasons. 

Passionate about sharing these life-altering principles with others, I facilitate women’s circles worldwide (online) and in Austin, Texas, lead women’s rites of passage events, and co-host The Red Temple Podcast where we discuss the power of our menstrual cycle. Behind the scenes, I am developing a menstrual cycle ritual guidebook, and completing a spiritual travel memoir based on my truth-seeking journeys in Nepal and India.

I’m so happy you found your way here, and am honoured to be on this wild and beautiful journey with you! Together, by following our heart, embodying our cyclic wisdom, and restoring our connection to nature, we birth the New Earth. Is éa ~ It is so.

Le Grá ~ With Love, Brenda

And if we rise up rooted, like trees … well then, women might indeed save not only ourselves, but the world.

Sharon Blackie


Do you wish to live more in rhythm with your body, the earth and the cosmos? Visit my Celtic Wheel of Life page to explore your cyclic nature and attune yourself to the ebbs and flows of our natural world. Did you know that your menstrual cycle is your personal path to power? Visit my Menstrual Cycle page to reclaim your intimate feminine spiritual practice and reestablish your monthly initiatory journey towards embodied wisdom. And tune into our new The Red Temple Podcast, where Clare of the Solstice and I muse about the magic of our menstrual cycle!


Are you looking for a sacred community of women where it’s safe to share your heart, speak your truth, and be celebrated by each other? Join our Priestesses of the Spiral Path Women’s Circles here in Austin, Texas and online via zoom, where we gather in rhythm with the Celtic Wheel of the Year and deepen our personal journey with the Divine Feminine. Interested in creating a truly magical and meaningful rite of passage celebration for yourself or a loved one? Reach out about my Rites of Passage private events. Do you have a pre-teen or young teen girl in your life that could benefit from circle-based mentorship? Visit my Girls Circles page to learn more.


Have you ever wondered about who you truly are and why you’re really here? Questioned whether there’s more to life than what society tells you? In 2009 I gave up my life as I knew it in Ireland and ventured East to seek truth and find answers to these questions. Visit my Truth Book page to learn about the spiritual travel memoir I’m currently writing, and take a transformative soul journey through Kathmandu, the Himalayas and Calcutta! Visit my Introduction to Meditation page for guidance on experiencing your own precious inner wellspring of peace and clarity, and join peacemakers around the globe to help raise the collective vibration to one of peace, love and unity, in my World Peace Meditations page.

Sign Up To My Newsletter

… and receive a Heart Space Welcome Gift Package which includes downloadable pdfs of my Celtic Wheel of Life, Menstrual Charts to help you track your cyclical nature, and an interactive Menstrual Cycle Wheel to help you and others in your home visually track where you are in your monthly cyclic journey.

Keep an eye in your inbox for my newsletter every 3 weeks for the Celtic Festivals throughout the Wheel of the Year, with Heart Space news, events, and updates in between!

Listen to our Latest Podcast Episodes

Read My Latest Blog Posts


Irish Pilgrimage Along the Celtic Wheel of Life

This Summer on my visit home to Ireland, my husband and I hired a camper van and headed out onto the …

An Insider’s Guide to Visiting Ireland

Being Irish and living in the United States, I get asked a lot about Ireland. It seems to be on …

The Life-Changing Gift of Self-Compassion

Practicing self-compassion might just change your life in ways you never anticipated. I heard about Dr. Kristin Neff’s pioneering research …

Vipassana: 10 Lessons from 10 Days Meditation

This time 10 years ago I was living in a very silent world, well at least silent externally (more about …

Women – What Brings You Joy?

It’s International Women’s Day, and it’s got me thinking about all you wonderful women around the world. Are you treating …

Welcome To My Heart Space

Welcome to my Heart Space Blog and website! This blog is an offering from my heart to yours – dedicated …

Event Gallery & Testimonials

Thank you so much for facilitating such a warm, welcoming, sacred, and safe space for all of us. Everyone kept raving last night about how amazing your energy is and how much they love you. You truly have a gift, and I feel so blessed and grateful to experience it and be in that space with you

Zanna, December 2023

I have been trying to find the words of the experience of being in circle, and the word that keeps coming to mind is simply “magical.” Of course, now that I’ve written that, there is a flood of other words: empowering, connected, free, comforting, beautiful… It was truly wonderful, and I am so grateful to you for all that you have invested in your own spiritual path and expansion to be able to hold such a welcoming and transformative space for others. Thank you.

Heather, March 2023

I feel so free and happy today. I have such deep gratitude for the courage that came out of our circle and for Brenda for bringing us together and giving me the opportunity to release my fear. You have literally changed my life. With deep gratitude.

Corinne, August 2022

Thank you Brenda for holding such a container, to allow the magic of our spirits to manifest, and for our voices to be heard and held. I feel Light, and delight today, after an evening well, well, spent.

Oriane, May 2022

Last night’s circle was a beautiful experience. It was deeply needed and showed me the path back to myself. You are truly gifted at holding space.

Tanzi, February 2022

Let’s Collaborate!

If you’d like to collaborate in co-creating powerful, potent and transformative women’s events and retreats, whether here in the US, Ireland, or elsewhere, let’s connect! I’m also available to lead workshops, and would love to be a guest on your podcast!

Go Raibh Gach Duine Sásta ~ May All Beings Be Happy

Go Raibh Gach Duine Suaimhneach ~ May All Beings Be Peaceful

Go Raibh Gach Duine Saoradh ~ May All Beings Be Liberated